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Date(s) - 03/07/2019
9:30 am - 11:00 am

Dickson Mounds Museum

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Adults and their tots will have fun exploring, discovering, and learning on the first Thursday of the month in the Museum’s Discovery Center.  Spend quality time with your tot, while each of you makes new friends.  A different topic and craft will be featured each month. Registration is not required and admission is free.  Participants will enjoy light refreshments.  The program begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. with the program portion lasting approximately thirty minutes followed by crafts, snacks, and time to explore the Museum.

On March 7th, the program will focus on birds.  Learn about a variety of birds and the importance of a bird’s home.  Tots and their caretakers may enjoy a story and the chance to work together to build their very first birdhouse!  Assembly requires no hammers, nails, or screws, just white glue! It’s as easy as building-blocks and can be finished in less than five minutes.  The birdhouse may be taken home and used in your own backyard for the Spring nesting season.

The 2019 Tot Time program series is sponsored by Spoon River Electric’s Operation Round-up grant, Canton Chamber of Commerce, Havana National Bank, Lewistown VFW Post 5001 Auxiliary, Rusty Melhouse of Edward Jones, and Jeff and Linda Sisson of Havana.  The Tot Time program series continuously seeks sponsors.  Please contact Curator of Education Christa Christensen at 309-547-3721 for more information.