The City of Lewistown’s City Council consist of two Aldermen from each ward. Each Alderman shall be elected to office for a four year term with on Alderman from each ward being elected to a four year term in the year 1973 and one Alderman from each ward to be elected in the year 1975 and continuing in staggered terms thereafter so that one Alderman shall be elected from each ward in every municipal election held in each odd-numbered year. The members of the City Council take the oath of office prescribed by statute, and shall receive such compensation as may be provided by ordinance. The City Council shall be the judge of the election and the qualifications of its own members and in case any vacancy shall occur in the office of Alderman, Mayor, Clerk or Treasurer, by death, resignation, removal or other cause, such vacancy shall be filled as state law shall provide or a state statue shall provide.
City Council meetings are held on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of every month at City Hall starting at 6:30p.m. All Regular meetings are open for the public to attend. If you wish to address the council on a topic, you must first request to be put on the agenda. You can do this by contacting City Hall at 309-547-4300. General public comments are permitted at the end of the meeting for comments on agenda items.